Thursday, September 27, 2012

1985 Romney Bain speech focuses on business as targets, not as opportunities to create jobs

What we are witnessing is the implosion of a major party campaign for the most powerful office in the world. The VP candidate doesn't take the presidential candidate's calls and refers to him as inarticulate to the media. It would be sad if it weren't so dang funny! Well, here's another piece of Romney's past coming back to haunt him...

Bain's whole business model was to prey on struggling companies, plunge them hopelessly deeper into debt, scam all the profits they could scam, and bail, leaving the company to file for bankruptcy, shut down, let go their employees, and auction off their remaining assets to pay the debts incurred by Bain. What a sorry piece of shit firm is Bain! If Romney even had a chance to win, he would undoubtedly be the worst president this country ever had, including Bush AND Obama (a jab at both party's loyalists, none of whom read this blog, I'm sure).--jef

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