Friday, April 9, 2010

Health Insurance Corps, Children w/Pre-existing Conditions, Loopholes, and a Funnyman

(I'm typically not one of those people who needs to say "I told you" but I do want to point out that the insurance cos. are already attempting to exploit the myriad loopholes in this "reform" bill. (See the video below of Stewart nailing them) It won't be the last time, either. That high risk pool for people with pre-existing conditions is practically unfunded and looks to be a failed bit soon after it gets going in 2014. Then what happens when it runs out of money? The economy won't be any better than it is today in 2014--remember, there are still 2 more crashes coming, and both of them could be worse than the housing crash; if unemployment doesn't miraculously improve, then we will be truly and hardcore SCREWED-- it will probably get worse until the middle of the decade, so the bill may fall under the category of "best laid plans..." if there isn't any money to do it--oh, another loophole!--jef)

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