Friday, January 6, 2012

Brazil fans of HELLBLAZER respond to SPIDERLEGS version of VENUS of the HARD SELL

(A post with comments on a Brazilian website about SPIDERLEGS' take on a fictional punk song--"Venus of the Hardsell"--by a fictional punk band--Mucous Membrane--from the pages of John Constantine: HELLBLAZER. English translation below the Portugese.--jef)
Hellblazer Fãs gravam música da banda fictícia de John Constantine

Assista ao clipe de "Venus of the Hardsell" criado pela banda Spiderlegs

Carina Toledo
04 de Julho de 2011

John Constantine, o mago inglês da série Hellblazer, teve uma breve carreira musical no fim da década de 70, quando metade da juventude britânica queria ser os Sex Pistols. Era a banda Membrana Mucosa, com os amigos Gary Lester, Les e Beano. Assim como tudo na vida de Constantine, a banda terminou em tragédia, mas deixou um hit constantemente citado nas HQs: “Venus of the Hardsell”.

  Agora, você pode finalmente ter uma ideia de como seria ouvir Constantine. Fãs do personagem gravaram a música “Venus of the Hardsell”, a partir da letra publicada em Hellblazer Annual #1 (HQ inédita no Brasil; o letrista foi o escritor Jamie Delano). E ainda fizeram um vídeo com cenas da HQ. Assista:

A música foi gravada pela desconhecida Spiderlegs, que tenta reproduzir como seria uma bandinha britânica de garagem do final dos anos 70. O vídeo está há pouco mais de um mês no YouTube, e nas informações comenta-se que em breve deve acontecer uma regravação.
A homenagem chega em momento especial para Constantine. Além de agora dividir seu tempo entre o Universo DC normal e a continuidade diferente na Vertigo – onde em breve vai poder se gabar de ter o gibi com a mais alta numeração entre Marvel e DC -, o anti-herói terá retrospectiva em coletâneas que vão republicar Hellblazer desde a primeira edição. A Panini já anunciou que vai seguir a onda aqui, prometendo para este ano o encadernado John Constantine: Hellblazer – Origens.

Leia mais sobre Hellblazer


Hellblazer Fans record music of the fictitious band of John Constantine

Listen to the clip of “Venus of The Hardsell” created by the band Spiderlegs

Carina Toledo
04 of July of 2011

John Constantine, English magus of the Hellblazer series, had a brief musical career in the end of the decade of 70, when half of British youth wanted to be the Sex Pistols. She was the band Mucous Membrane, with the friends Gary Lester, Les and Beano. As well as everything in the life of Constantine, the band finished in tragedy, but hit cited in the HQs left one constantly: “Venus of the Hardsell”.

Now, you can finally have an idea of as she would be to hear Constantine. Fans of the personage had recorded music “Venus of the Hardsell”, from the letter published in Hellblazer Annual #1 (HQ unknown in Brazil; the letrista was the writer Jamie Delano). had still made a video with scenes of the HQ. It attends:
Music was recorded by the stranger Spiderlegs, who tried to reproduce as one would be in a British garage band of the end of the 70s. The video is little has more than one month in the YouTube, and in the information it is commented that soon a rerecording will happen.
The homage arrives at special moment for Constantine. Beyond now dividing its time between normal Universe DC and the different continuity in the Vertigo - where soon he goes to be able to brag itself to have the comics with the highest numeration between Marvel and DC -, the anti-hero will have retrospect in coletâneas that go to republish Hellblazer since the first edition. The Panini already announced that it goes to follow the wave here, promising for this year the bound John Constantine: Hellblazer - Origins.

It reads more on Hellblazer

ronaldo ronaldo (05/07/2011 08:36: 50)   2★ 0  
as a rock band old guard, I loved, I found fo@#$! very good homagem… wanted to see as track in the film, in a ugly scene of treta….

Celso Celso (04/07/2011 19:45: 58)   3★ 0  
It was valid for the homage the John Constantine, one of my favourite personages to the side of Spider Jerusalem.

Carlos Carlos (04/07/2011 18:02: 28)   14★ 0  
  I pause that it has exactly left this new bound with first histories therefore spare me is that they are all the essence of the personage, very good there this initiative of this band.

DomnRamon DomnRamon (04/07/2011 17:59: 47)   188★ 1  

Constantine is my typebof adolescence hero. Grand, at least, the initiative.

@_JJunior @_JJunior (04/07/2011 17:52: 07)   114★ 1 
EXCELLENT MUSIC! Much fuck. These bound (Panini origins) are the light in the end of the tunnel of Brazil!

Aklash Aklash (04/07/2011 17:49: 59)   410★ 0  
Music could have most been worked, oddly found the placed letter with the time of music…

Hector Hector (04/07/2011 14:26: 23)   410★ 5 
Well punk, style Sex Pistols… good homage of the fans ace roots of the personage.

Aklash Aklash (04/07/2011 17:52: 43)   410★ 0
I found acceptable. the music, the initiative and the substance.

Massayuki Massayuki (04/07/2011 14:20: 16)   96★ 1 
Excellent Rock'n Roll, excellent music. For the video clip they could film this sequência of the HQ.

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