Sunday, May 8, 2011

You Are Being Lied To...

In every aspect of your life, you are being lied to. You are being sold a concept, a world view that isn't real--the American Dream, about which you grew up hearing, doesn't belong to you. It doesn't even exist. It never existed. Or if it did, it only existed for certain other people.

The America you studied in history class is the product of a carefully written myth. It's a trashy romance novel, a shitty comic book, a crazy fable, a wildly epic film. In it, WE have always been the good guys, and our enemies were always so clearly written as bad guys. And we want to believe that it is true, no matter what our political orientation is/was: we ARE the good guys...right?

In every election, we voted with our conscience thinking we made the right choices, that our decisions were informed. We were solid in that understanding, but totally unaware that our choices have always been narrowed down for us to choose from. The candidates for political office and federal court were picked by their corporate sponsors. It used to be a secret, but it doesn't have to be a secret anymore. The Supreme Court said as much recently.(Look it up.)

Most of us have long suspected that our politicians were controlled, influenced, beholden to something greater than they with lots of money. It has many "projected" names: the "new world order," "illuminati," "globalists," "they"--but it's just Corporate America's controlling oligarchy, which is bad enough.

We are corporate Americans...well, until we no longer are able participate to our fullest extent in the economy. Many of us are being phased out--whether by layoffs or outsourcing--and many are unable to find new jobs. It's a weeding out process that runs concurrently with this "small 'd' depression." Some have been unemployed for so long, they aren't even considered in the unemployment stats--only in the "real unemployment rate" you get from sources that aren't mainstream. The jobs that have gone away are gone forever. They aren't coming back. They won't be "recovered." McDonald's is the only corporation hiring (1in 4 job openings), even though many corporations and whole industries have earned record profits over the past two years, and are sitting on over $3 trillion in pure profits, they still aren't hiring, making those left with jobs having to do the work of the people in their departments who were laid-off, in addition to their own jobs. (Look it up.)

Mainstream news pumps out the government propaganda that unemployment is 9%, but that the economy is recovering. They paint such a rosy picture, such a positive outlook, one can't help but be inspired. But it's all bullshit. They only report what is in their corporate ownership's best interest. You know it, you feel it, you hope the feelings you have are wrong, that they are just residual pangs of pessimism left over from the hardship of the past few years. No, that is your soul trying to wake you the fuck up. The real unemployment rate is nearer to 20%. That's 1 in 5 people who are able to work but can't work because there aren't enough jobs. Again, those jobs are gone forever and won't be coming back, despite what the politicians might say. It's almost as bad today as it was during the Great Depression. There are plenty of reasons why it can get a whole lot worse: it's not over--not by a longshot. (Look it up.)

The guy that ran on "Hope and Change?" We all thought he was something special--even those who voted against him. They knew he couldn't lose. But none of us saw him bailing out banks instead of people after being such a populist while campaigning. Or extending the Patriot Act after campaigning against it. And campaigning against detaining suspects as "unlawful enemy combatants" then later saying it was now the US policy to detain UECs indefinitely. Demanding the public option in health care reform, then backing way off the public option. What a disappointment to find out he's just a regular old campaign promise breaking "say one thing/do the opposite" politician, talking a good talk about reining in the corporations, though his actions say he is beholden to his corporate benefactors who selected him--not the people who elected him. He ran against war, he won a Nobel Peace Prize, and he has escalated the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, while starting wars in Libya, Yemen, and Pakistan. Don't even think Iran is off the radar. And this part always gets me: "Hope & Change Guy" campaigned that whistle-blowers  "were heroes" who stood against the odds at the cost of their careers, threats to their lives, and staring at prosecution and imprisonment. He said he would make it easier for whistle-blowers to come forward. Then he got elected, and no president in US history has prosecuted more whistle-blowers than the Obama Regime. Not even Bush in his 8 years prosecuted as many whistle-blowers as Obama. And he'll probably get re-elected, because we love a good liar.

If you are a Republican, you are a fool. If you are a Democrat, you are a poor fool. If you believe in your party, you believe in nothing--you must wake up. Both parties are branches of the same corporation. They are two sides of the same coin, etc. You are not their priority. Your rights are not their concern, unless you inhabit the category of richest top 1% . They serve and protect the corporations and the banks and the corporate military industrial complex (about which we were warned by America's last great president in his farewell address.)  (Look it up.)

Corporate lobbyists write most of the bills passed into law by the US Congress. The recent financial reform bill, the health care reform bill, written by lobbyists and they contain many loopholes for their respective industries to exploit.

You are being lied to by whole industries--the oil industry, so corrupt it can destroy ecosystems, ocean life, human beings--the livelihoods and their lives. The natural gas industry, which was allowed to supercede EPA laws (like the Safe Drinking Water Act) to poison the earth with cancer causing toxic mixtures that destroy water supplies by making the water flammable, and lives of those living near their earth fracking destruction centers, in order to improve profits.

You are being lied to by your elected representatives, by the media you choose for the source of your news, by the PR firms for the products you buy, by the processors of the food you eat, by the manufacturers of the drugs you take, by the future you expected but don't get.

The food you eat is full of harmful chemicals that over time, make you you go to the doctor who prescribes you drugs that lessen the symptoms but don't treat the cause of what ails you (there's no money in the cure, after all)--a drug that probably was fast-tracked for approval (to maximize profit) without thorough testing and which probably has side effects worse than the ailment for which it was prescribed. The drugs might make you well enough to continue working, to buy the nutritionally depleted food full of chemicals that makes you sick, the insurance that covers part of your doctor's fee, and the drugs that make you a little better without curing you. And they'll even invent a condition or hype an existing sickness to include general symptoms so you'll see your doctor and ask for a certain drug you saw on a TV commercial. Health care is seldom about prevention, diet or exercise. Health care is about dealing with symptoms of sickness, not preventing the cause of sickness. Preventing sickness also prevents profit. And in corporate America, profit is always the bottom line. (Look it up.)

You are being lied to by those who claim that using "illegal narcotics" is a moral and thus legal matter, and who have declared a "war on drugs" which has resulted in millions of deaths (of law enforcement and innocent bystanders, as well as family members of drug dealing cartels, gangs, etc.), billions of dollars lost, non-criminals abused by police, all resulting in an illegal drug market now more powerful than it has ever been--financed by the same corrupt financial industry that trashed the economy and extorted billions of dollars in restitution. In reality--and former law enforcement officials are speaking out about it--drug use is a health issue, nothing more. The War on Drugs  is a failure and was lost a long time ago by the Gestapo squad masked as a law enforcement agency--the DEA. Prohibition--the nonsensical  "war on drugs"--was purposefully blown out of proportion to fit an agenda for those who make the instruments of war and destruction, also for those who make dangerous products with inferior results and want to block any form of legalization--unless they control it, and for those who benefit by filling privatized, profiteering prisons with non-violent, mostly minority offenders--addicts. Illegal drug use is so widespread and polling numbers reflect the population's changing POV toward drugs--more people have used illegal drugs than those who haven't, so it clearly is not a moral issue. Though the two "legal" drugs--alcohol and tobacco--are responsible for more deaths each on its own than ALL other illegal drugs combined. One of those "illegal drugs"--marijuana--a falsely degraded plant that has been proven to be an effective treatment for many ailments , like pain and spasms for example--is among the most effective treatments for fighting cancer--even more effective than radiation and chemotherapy in its ability to shrink tumors and halt the growth of tumors--it remains illegal in most, but not all, of the country. And even though a handful of states have approved medicinal use of it, or attempted to approve it, President "Hope & Change" continues to prosecute state approved, legal dispensaries, using unethical means like extortion, even though he said he wouldn't prosecute them on numerous occasions, displaying a depth of amoral distinction and dishonesty far worse than the "villains" he claims to be fighting.

You are considered an obsolete, devalued commodity--and when you are no longer needed, then what? Remember: your government and its corporate underwriters do not value you or think you are special. If you do not function according to their plan, they think you are a liability--someone with the potential to wake up and see the world for what it really is and who might be one of those who does something about it while seeking out others who feel the same way. Every single day, people wake up and get pissed off when they put it all together. It's natural for someone to resist what their conscience has been telling them. Sure, it's natural to consider such concepts as impossible, insane, or impossibly insane. Links are provided for everything stated above (please let me know if any of them are dead). Look all these things up for yourself, and use conventional and unconventional resources in your search. Cross reference what you read to make sure the information provided is legitimate. Prove that I'm nuts, or that you're nuts--or that we are way too sane and perceptive for thinking such things.

When you do see it and wake up, please wake up someone else. "Pay" it forward...don't wait until gas goes up to $5 a gallon to snap out of it.


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