Thursday, April 15, 2010

Wall Street's Permanent Takeover of the Republican Party

To be fair, Wall Street owns most of the Democratic Party as well...

Wall Street's Permanent Takeover of the Republican Party

If the Republican party were Helen Keller, Frank Luntz would be Annie Sullivan.

Luntz taught the Republicans to never complete a sentence about Health Care Reform without using the phrase "government takeover." Even David Vitter's hookers got sick of hearing it.

Because of Luntz, Democrats got blamed for creating a single-payer system while creating something less Liberal than what Nixon wanted.

Luntz is good. But there's no way he can use his word voodoo to block financial reform. Even Luntz knows that the public is demanding that Wall Street not be allowed to cripple the economy again. America doesn't want another crisis resulting in another bailout.

But Luntz has a formula. Take something the public doesn't like and use it to label whatever initiative the Republicans (or Wall Street, no real difference) are fighting.

That’s how the Democrats too-mild attempt at financial reform became a “permanent taxpayer bailout.” It’s genius.

While McConnell and the Republicans fuse themselves so closely to the penises of Wall Street that they may have to be circumcised, they are blaming the Democrats for the bailouts.

Forget the truth. Forget that Republicans unwillingness to regulate (or govern) created the first recession in decades that hit all 50 states. Forget that it was a Republican administration that invented the idea of preemptive bailouts (to go along with preemptive war). And forget that what the Republicans are doing would make another financial crisis inevitable.

If they can repeat their code words long enough on Fox News and AM radio stations, people will tweet it and the MSM won’t even bother to deny it.

Or maybe the lie is too big. Maybe the American people know deep down that the Republicans have no real interest in stopping Wall Street bailouts or bonuses or anything. Maybe this time even the Tea Baggers will see if Wall Street wins this time, all the word games in the world won’t prevent an even greater recession.

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